
How Cellulite Forms
Fat is a component in cellulite, but that’s not the only reason why your skin may look lumpy and bumpy rather than firm and smooth. Other factors like a lack of circulation, fibrous bands or septa, female-charged hormones like estrogen and pushing of the fat cells may all be reason to blame for the “orange peel” look.

New Trend: Aerial Yoga
Would you try aerial yoga? Check out how it made editors Susan Yara and Anna Jimenez yoga fans. Susan and Anna were not fans of yoga, despite the fact that […]

Your Shapewear’s Dirty Little Secret
We once lived in a world where shapewear could do no wrong. In our minds, they have superhero powers. After all, they help us look fabulous in those curve-hugging dresses, […]

Combat Stubborn Cellulite
Lumps, bumps, “cottage cheese” and “orange-peel” skin. No matter what you call it, cellulite can plague even the fittest bodies—and, unfortunately for 90 percent of women, this common condition has […]

Vanquish: A Pain-Free Fat Melter
Summer is fast approaching and that means that those bikinis are lurking in your drawer (cue Jaws music). To prepare, many of us hit the gym and start swapping out […]

Nip+Fab: Your Answer to Basically Every Beauty Problem
They say to never judge a book (or beauty product) by its cover. While I’ve violated this age-old wisdom time and time again (hey, it’s hard to resist a bedazzled […]