
Groundbreaking Beauty Event Comes to California
In 2010, the American beauty industry reached $36.5 billion dollars, with skin care accounting for 25 percent of total industry sales. And with South California as the number one beauty […]

The Latest Spa Trend: Bottle Service
These spas offer a serious range of on-site indigenous...

Victoria Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Holistic Beauty Secret
What do Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham have in common? Besides being über famous, stunningly beautiful and in possession of gorgeous (and successful) husbands, they both share the same beauty […]

Ask An Expert: Look Younger With Orange-Colored Food
You often hear that it’s important to fill your plate with lots of different colored food…that way you know you’re getting a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are […]

Poll: Should There Be A Sugar Tax?
Yes. At least, that’s what some health officials say. Many propose that sugar should be identified as a health danger like alcohol and tobacco. If it were approved, the tax […]

The Beauty Of Green Tea
It seems that every few weeks we read another study about the health benefits of green tea. And here’s this week’s: Elderly people who drink the most green tea (five-plus […]