From the latest skin care ingredients and products to the buzziest makeup trends taking over the internet, everything you need to know is right here.

Silly Name, Serious Sun Protection
Supergoop! It could be anything. Glue, chewing gum, that slime in a plastic egg you used to buy for 25 cents from the little machines at the grocery store. But […]

Can Resveratrol Rev Up Weight Loss?
Resveratrol has become one of the most buzzed-about ingredients in the beauty biz. This celebrated antioxidant is believed to have not only the ability to prevent sun damage in the […]

Henna Hair Color Makes A Comeback—Naturally
It’s been a long time since we’ve heard of people coloring their hair with henna, but with the trend toward natural beauty products, we wouldn’t be surprised it one particular […]

Can You Become Immune To Hydroquinone?
There are some skincare ingredients that the body can build a resistance to over time. One of these ingredients is hydroquinone, which is considered the gold standard for lightening hyperpigmentation. […]

Two Types Of Aha Peels
Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) peels are gentle in-office peels that are usually recommended for oily and dry skin for treating fine lines, acne scars, and smoothing out roughness. Glycolic acid and […]

Can You Blame Your Teeth For Thin Lips?
If your lips are thin a look a bit meek, crooked teeth may be to blame. When teeth aren’t properly aligned, your entire lower face, including your lips, appear to […]