
Is Jane Seymour the Sexiest at 61?
Our 30s are when we finally stop second-guessing ourselves. Our 40s are a time of power and action. Our 50s are when our wisdom comes in handy. And our 60s? […]

NewBeauty Winter-Spring 2013 Issue On Stands Now
It’s time. The 2013 Beauty Awards issue of NewBeauty magazine featuring Kate Hudson on the cover is officially on newsstands and we can’t wait to share all the award winners […]

Skin Tips From Jennifer Garner’s Aesthetician
In the latest issue of NewBeauty magazine, actress Jennifer Garner shared some of her best beauty tips and how she stays in shape. She also said that she trusts her […]

Bogus Benefits Of Some Skin-Care Ingredients
There is a great deal of emotion that comes with the desire to improve ones appearance. After all, the way we look and present ourselves to the world is our […]

How To Prep For Your Next Chemical Peel
There’s no better way to perk up dull skin than with a chemical peel. A beauty staple since the days of Cleopatra (who was said to bathe in spoiled milk, […]

Give Your Hands A Lift To Look Younger
Celebrities may get high praise for their super-svelte bodies and beautiful faces, but tend to get scrutiny when they have less-than-plump hands that give away their age. As our hands […]