Are Your Teeth Too Long…Or Too Short?
Maybe you’ve never thought about the length of your teeth before, but in truth, if they are too long or too short, they can interfere with the overall balance of […]
Ask An Expert: How Do I Fix My Crooked Smile?
For those who’ve had braces, it’s usually an experience best left in the past-we have enough awkward pictures and yearbooks if we ever feel nostalgic. But even after all of […]
Laser Away Bad Breath
We’re all anxious about our breath from time to time, especially after eating a particularly pungent meal, but those who suffer from chronic bad breath may not even realize they […]
Veneers: Finding The Right White
The white smiles you see on TV might look unnatural in the real world. Depending on your skin tone and other factors, overly white teeth can be a dead giveaway […]
Can Gum Help Your Smile?
I like to always have gum on hand in case I need quick refreshment. I nixed sugary gum as a kid-a good thing, too-the bacteria that contributes to dental plaque […]
Is Bite Correction Therapy For You?
If your smile is poorly aligned, fix it with a bite correction therapy. If you can see that your teeth don’t match up or fit together snugly, it’s likely your […]