Larry Nassar got shanked in prison — it’ll be hard finding anyone who feels sorry for him

Mustering up some sympathy and compassion for someone like Nassar is a true test of faith and forgiveness

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A white man with dark hair glasses in an orange jumpsuit looks away from the camera in a courtroom.
Larry Nassar is reportedly in critical condition.
Image: Getty Images

Larry Nassar got gutted like a fish.

Many will call it karma. Others will pray for his safety and healing. Most will probably shrug their shoulders — stuck in the place between “damn, that’s unfortunate,” and “well, the guy kinda had it coming.”

There is no wrong way to feel about someone who did the things Nassar did.

Nassar in critical condition

According to the Associated Press, the man who ruined hundreds of young female — and male —gymnasts’ lives by sexually abusing them “was stabbed multiple times during an altercation with another inmate at a federal prison in Florida.” He’s believed to be in critical condition, as he was stabbed in the back and the chest. The report goes on to say that the prison was experiencing staffing shortages and that the officers assigned to Nassar’s unit were working mandated overtime shifts.


A corrupt man who ruined the lives of countless victims, fell victim to a corrupt system that was supposed to “protect” him in prison. That last sentence hits a little harder when you realize that doctors are supposed to be protectors — Nassar was a predator.


Nassar sexually assaulted hundreds of young girls

In 2018, Nassar became a household name after he admitted to sexually assaulting countless athletes during his time with USA Gymnastics and at Michigan State University. Basically, any American gymnast you can name was assaulted by Nassar, as his abuse spanned more than 20 years.


The case reached another level when Judge Rosemarie Aquilina allowed more than 160 people to share their stories in open court.

“It’s been tough, to be honest with you, Bob. It’s highly emotional for everybody. Including the people who are covering this,” ESPN investigative reporter John Barr told Bob Ley on “Outside the Lines” at the time. “We’ve had to sit there and listen to mothers who have talked about their daughters committing suicide. The first woman to speak today, spoke about how she was abused as a 6-year-old girl in Larry Nassar’s basement. Molested in his basement. And when she later told her parents, her father didn’t believe her. And when he finally did believe her, he died by suicide.


“The trail of human wreckage left by Larry Nassar may never be completely calculated.”

Nassar was eventually sentenced to a minimum of 40 years and a maximum of 175 years in prison. And on the day that Nassar got sent to the place he’s in now, Judge Aquilina didn’t hold back with some of her comments.

“I wouldn’t send my dogs to you, sir.”

“It is my honor and privilege to sentence you. Because sir, you do not deserve to walk outside of a prison ever again.”

“Anywhere you walk, destruction will occur to those most vulnerable.”

“I just signed your death warrant.”

Back in 2021, athletes reached a $380 million settlement that the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and USA Gymnastics had to pony up on. No amount of money could fix what Nassar did — not even almost $400 million.


And now, we wait to see if Nassar will pull through. But, the concern shouldn’t be on his current health status. That deserves to go to his victims, who are now survivors. What they woke up feeling on Monday morning when they heard the news is anyone’s guess — but their feelings are valid no matter what they were, or still may be.

One day, a significant documentary will be made on Larry Nassar, and the events of the last few days will be included. It’s either going to be the perfect ending or just another chapter in arguably the worst scandal in sports history.